Clinical Presentations and Conditions
The table of ‘Presentations and Conditions’ (section 3.3 of the curriculum document) represents a list of the principal conditions with which the ACCS doctor in training should become familiar, either because they are common or serious.
Doctors in training will need to become familiar with the knowledge, skills and attitudes around managing patients with these conditions and presentations. The table of systems/specialties, presentations and conditions of ACCS is to be interpreted with common sense.
It is not felt necessary to document the specific attributes of each presentation and condition with which doctors in training need to be familiar as this will vary. Doctors in training will, however, need to be familiar with such aspects as aetiology, epidemiology, clinical features, investigation, management, potential complications and prognosis.
The ACCS approach is to provide general guidance and not exhaustive detail, which would inevitably become out of date.